Lindores Personnel has participated successfully in the Australian Government Indigenous Employment Program. Lindores Personnel provided employment / traineeships for over 30 indigenous Australians on the:
- Hunter Expressway Kurri Kurri to Braxtron project with Abigroup; and the
- Tintenbar to Ewingsdale Pacific Highway Upgrade with Baulderstone
Lindores Personnel prides itself on being an Indigenous employer of choice.

The successful implementation and delivery of the projects above was due to Lindores Personnel’s collaboration with Aboriginal Focus Groups, local TAFE’s and JSA’s. These projects equipped Indigenous Australians with tools to increase their social and economic participation and to teach them how to build on their community’s strengths. “It’s not just about building structures, but about building people.”
Lindores Personnel can provide Indigenous Australians to meet your objectives of:
- sustainable employment
- cross-cultural awareness
- developing transferrable skills and qualifications
These outcomes can be facilitated with mentored support. This person will act as the liaison person between your Managers, Lindores Personnel, the Indigenous Australians, their JSA, and other community groups.
Lindores Personnel has been a provider of local employment to many and varied businesses. Lindores Personnel was proudly ranked at No.46 in the QBR Q400 in recognition of Queensland’s privately owned companies and their achievements under strong leadership. Lindores Personnel has also won the prestigious Gold Coast Business Excellence Awards.